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2017  College Tour

“Removing the Veil of Ignorance”

Clark Atlanta, Spelman, Morehouse, Georgia Tech & Tuskegee 

​Outcomes & Benefits

Improved Academic & Improved Socialization

Reduced Anger & Coping Strategies

Community Awareness & Increased Responsibility

STEM Awareness & Entrepreneurship Awareness

College and Career Readiness

Family and Social Skills Awareness

Art Appreciation & Music Appreciation

Healthy Life Styles & Choices

Societal Awareness

Adolescent  & Young Adult Awareness

Prevention of Drug Use & Under Age Sex

Referrals to Community Partners


Improve Intergenerational Relationships

Acquire Healthy Eating Habits


Discover ones identity and purpose

Develop a sense of consciousness

Develop pride and self confidence

Improve Academics

Improve ones personal and social behavior

Promote Healthy Living

Improve Moral Character

How 2 Help

Since the inception of the program, parents and supporters have financed the training through their own dollars and in kind contributions. They have purchased tee shirts, funded the college tours and provided hot lunches for the boys and girls. Request: This year we would like to increase our service capacity from 50 to 100 and also infuse science and technology in our curriculum. 


We would appreciate a donation of $100.00 or more to this request. Imani Rites of Passage and Company is a not-for-profit tax deductible organization exempt under the United States IRS code 501(c)3.


Annual Simo-Dance-A-Thon
Imani Rites of Passage and Company partners with two local universites or organizations in hosting a 12hr Dance-A-Thon. The proceeds are used to sustain and grow the Rites of Passage experience. Additonally, the participating universities or organizations are honored with two scholarships dedicated to participants in honor of their sponsorship. This event is held annually on the 2nd or 4th Saturday in August. The tickets are $15.00 in advance and $20.00 dollars at the door. You may purchase your tickets by contacting Mary Ann Dunlap at  314-691-0657





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